Cod waw best guns
Cod waw best guns

cod waw best guns

So much so in fact that Eurogamer’s Wesley Yin-Poole ran an entire article on how much he loved it. It was certainly stupid, but by god was it fun. The Crucible was soon filled to the brim with red lasers splaying out in every conceivable angle, as both sides did their best to melt the opposition. The best part? Bungie’s first solution was to make the weapon available to all by adding it to space-merchant Xur’s list of goods. It went undiscovered for a while after release, but as soon as players began to realise just how broken the weapon was, everyone started scrambling to acquire it. The laser weapon, intended to reward keeping your aim on target over an extended period, was instead capable of dissolving an enemy Guardian in little more than an instant. Now only a shade of its former self, the Spartan Laser inspired Prometheus Lens was the go to gun in Destiny 2’s PvP Crucible for a time. Oddly, the MP-40 was actually nerfed for the PC release of World at War, reducing the weapon’s damage, but the console version - and larger audience - never saw the patch arrive. Throw in the gun’s enormous magazine size of 32 rounds with a rapid reload and you’ve baked a perfect recipe for some OP cookies. Typically, these benefits would come at a tradeoff to damage, but the MP-40 dished it out like nobody’s business, killing in just a few hits at short to medium range. There’s nothing too flashy to say about this weapon, it simply had the best of pretty much every world.Īs an SMG, it allowed players to move and aim more quickly. Usually the difference isn’t too severe, but in the worst cases we get weapons like World at War’s MP-40. Despite multiple studios now alternating releases, there always seems that one gun towering above all the rest. The poor Call of Duty devs seem all too drawn to the idea of making guns a bit too good. The MP-40 – Call of Duty: World at War © Treyarch

Cod waw best guns